
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"The Truth Shall Set You Free"

Embarking on this increasingly essential journey of self-mastery, has become the single most important and exhilarating challenge possible. There is a very famous quote which states "If you want to change the world, you must begin by changing yourself." The reason for this, is once you purify yourself, your vibrational frequency is elevated and basic laws of physics come in to play. It is much simpler to recognize and analyze areas with room for improvement in external forms, concepts, and ideologies than to go excavating through one's own darkest shadows. When one begins to dig deep into the jagged crevasses of one's mind, the real work is being done.

Tree of Wisdom: Caltech University in Pasadena
We are all connected, one organism vibrating together. The challenge has been, at some point in the evolution of humanity, we lost touch with the oneness; we lost awareness of the essence. The Now is of utmost relevance, yet somewhere we lost touch with now while becoming attached to and dependent on time, space, and form. Now however, humanity is beginning to regain consciousness. We are beginning to realize our oneness.

Begin by focusing on slowing down and deepening your breath. Feel your body and create stillness in your mind; become fully present. Now feel the essence radiating out of every life form around you. Trees, flowers, animals, insects, they all, like humans, embody the prana, the life force.

We are all mirrors of each other. The frequency one vibrates on will determine the frequency of the surrounding matter. Religion and science go hand in hand; they are simply different methods of analyzing the same phenomenon. There is no need to dwell in past or future, because the only thing there ever is, is Now. We have all been overwhelmed by the volume of poverty, illness, and corruption in the world, and therefor remain stuck in the judge and victim trap, which only perpetuates more of the disease. When one digs deep within, with unwavering passion for self-mastery, the need to focus on external challenges, and therefor the challenges themselves shall disappear.  When every single being becomes devoted to self-mastery is when the planet transcends to heaven on earth. 
Henry Richter (NASA) '52, Bailey, Mark Brown (Professor:

Every day we are faced with challenges. These are moments when we get to make a choice. It is one's choice whether this challenge will make or break them. These are opportunities to learn and grow; they can also be an opportunity to deepen ego and go deeper into the shell, further alienating oneself from one's surroundings, and inevitably, from source. The forces that support each of these paths are love and fear. Many people experience unjust instances in life and rather than learning and growing, they hold onto the pain, identify with it, and compile it into their pre existing story of how the universe is working against them. Naturally, by law of attraction, the same monster continues to show it's face, masked by an array of disguises, strengthening the "victim's" agreement. This fear-based mentality is learned; learned from our parents, teachers, peers, and media, and has become the unconscious dream of the planet. 

We, by nature, are pure beings whom are full of light. By learning from our experiences and releasing attachment to past and future, we break free. By being fully present in each and every moment, we create heaven on Earth. When in the Now, we return to feeling the oneness of the universe, and we begin to break down the walls and linking the gap between nations, cultures, religions, and people. By focussing deep within, we are effectively elevating human consciousness while evolving as one-people. Imagine the peace and joy within when we love and nourish ourselves rather than judging ourselves and feeling guilty. Apply that to the planet and what do you see? We are so close. When we surrender and accept all that is, we create paradise.

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