
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why Exercise & Eat Healthy?

The health mentality is quickly on the rise; people all over the world are quickly awakening to the importance of nourishing and properly taking care of the one vehicle we have been given to carry us through life: the body. There still seem to be some pessimists whom still are yet to have been educated on the topic. So why nourish the body, mind, and soul? When nutrition, exercise, and devotion to personal growth are neglected, imbalance exists and disease and or illness form. There is one main disease: acidity. Illness thrives in an acidic environment, while it cannot exist in an alkaline environment. This fact applies to all disease. So... what can we do? Well, there are many ways to alkalize the body. One way, is through diet. Foods that alkalize the body range from fruits & vegetables to nuts and grains. Other ways to alkalize the body are through water filters and products like cell food. This is your body. It is important for there to be a burning desire to take care of oneself. When we nourish our bodies properly, we genuinely feel a thousand times better. We are alive. Exercise, brings oxygen to all parts of the body, it gets the heart pumping. We need to use our bodies or else they will begin to decay. It is as simple as that. Being healthy is not a fad or a hobby of some; it is simply a necessity for survival. Luckily for us, we live in a time when there are many people who know a lot about health. We also live in a time where any thing we could possibly want to learn about is within the reach of our keyboards. It is time to wake up... ask questions; do research. If you search the web about alkaline diets, healthy living, exercise, personal development, or anything to do with self improvement, you have thousands of options to choose from. There are many things about health that we are simply not openly exposed to without doing some research. We, as conscious people, need to take our health into our own hands. We can no longer blame our health or lack there of on external sources. We have to accept responsibility for the situation we are in and have the passion and desire to change it. Everything is a choice, let's choose health, prosperity, abundance, love, growth, evolution as a human race. It is up to us to demand excellence. No one is going to do it for us. We have the whole universe inside of us and we have the power to do absolutely everything that we set our minds to. We are all amazing people with the desire to love and be loved; the place to start is by loving ourselves. The information is out there. We just need to put the request out there and the universe will start working to bring us the information.


Here are some sites that you can visit for this kind of information:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

VIdeo Blog #1: Polyphasic Sleeping & Gallbladder, Liver Cleanse

Video Lags a Bit, It's Okay Though :) 

Blog record #2: I feel very relaxed. Cravings are heavy; cravings of greasy food, tacos especially. I went to a potluck with all delicious looking and smelling organic food and did not eat anything! I also had a nap in the park. I am adjusting to quieting my mind and sinking into my body for quick sleep by feeling my inner body starting from my toes all the way up to my head as well as practicing the "quieting the mind" breathing exercise which is posted in my "Breathing Exercises" blog post; it also helps to focus my energy in my base chakra feeling it ground me into the earth.

Blog Record #3: It is getting easier for me to sink into sleep and awake when I need to. My energy level is low, but much higher than I anticipated. It is currently 1:30 am and I will be awake until 4:00 am before resuming to nap #6. I am drinking my third juice of the first day. It is VERY important to drink an abundance of filtered, purified water to get everything washed out of the body. So far, so good. The food cravings have subsided. They are still somewhat present, but very light.

 Recommended flush protocol:

For first 5 days:
2x/day - 1L water with 1T each Liver-ND/Gallbladder-ND
- sip slowly throughout the day
(if you weigh over 150lb, you will want to drink about an extra L of water per day without the
Eat/drink lots of apples, use apple cider vinegar on all foods, avoid refined salt/starches/sugars,
meat, dairy
Minimal fat intake (nuts, oils, avocado, grains, coconut, etc)
Drink lots of fresh, unpasteurized juices with apples (citrus, cucumber, celery, greens, carrots,
beets, etc)
Use turmeric on all food and juices
Do coffee enema each day if possible, immediately after morning bowel movement
If possible, do only juices and smoothies
After the 5 days, for 2 more days:
NO FATS - only fruits and veggies
Coffee enema after first bowel movement
2x/day - 1L water with 1T each Liver-ND/Gallbladder-ND
- sip slowly throughout the day
Only juices with lots of apple/citrus, no solid food for best results
Mix 2T psyllium powder with 8oz water and chug on empty stomach 3x/day (eliminate need for
Epsom flush which can be risky)

On flush day:
Coffee enema after first bowel movement
2x/day - 1L water with 1T each Liver-ND/Gallbladder-ND
- sip slowly throughout the day
As much apple and citrus juice with turmeric as you want throughout the day
No psyllium
1 hour before bed:
Coffee enema
Mix in a glass jar - 4 oz grapefruit/lemon/ginger juice with 4oz organic extra virgin cold-pressed
olive oil (do not skimp, as cheap olive oil will make this horrible)
-shake vigorously and chug!
-reserve some juice to rinse mouth afterward
Lay in bed on right side for one hour, then lay on back and go to sleep
You may awaken in a few hours with some discomfort, I find it best to get up and walk around a
little, sip some water, and then go back to sleep once it passes
You may awaken again with urge to evacuate bowels, so go and then go back to sleep
When you awaken for the morning, attempt to evacuate bowels again, and then do coffee
A final coffee enema or colonic may be beneficial later in the day

Day after flush:
Continue only to drink liquids with lots of lemon to alkalize system shocked by acidic, stagnant
bile and toxins from liver and gallbladder
Coffee enema may be beneficial if feeling low energy or intestinal discomfort
2x/day - 1L water with 1T each Liver-ND/Gallbladder-ND (you may or may not have enough left,
just finish bottles)
- sip slowly throughout the day
2nd day after flush:
Ease back on to food with smoothies and blended soups, thoroughly chewed salads, lots of

Recipe for coffee enema:
You can prepare large batches of coffee ahead of time and store in the fridge for convenience
Temperature should be colder than body temperature, room temp ideal as it does not stimulate
urge to evacuate bowels

Per single enema:
- grind 2T coffee per enema
- add to a pot with 26oz purified water per enema
- on low flame bring almost to a simmer and turn off heat
- let sit 1-2 hours covered and then pour through paint strainer bag or coffee filter
- this coffee can be stored up to 3 days in the fridge
- for enema: dilute 24oz of coffee with 24oz of purified water, add a pinch of sea salt
- fill catheter by opening clamp over sink or toilet and closing off when full
- lay on back with knees bent
- lubricate catheter with coconut or sesame oil
- insert catheter up to 2" (end with extra vent hole 1" in from tip)
- open clamp, holding catheter with one hand and massaging abdomen with other hand
- once colon is full, slowly remove catheter and lay on right side for 15 minutes, palpitate colon
and liver (under right side of rib cage)
- evacuate bowels while massaging abdomen from right to left, give yourself 10-15 minutes
This process may significantly improve chemical sensitivity issues, sinus issues related to liver,
digestive issues related to stagnant bile and gallstones, and adaptability to stress as T3/T4
storage and use by liver may be improved.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Desire and Action

Right now is an extremely particular moment; A moment of reflection perhaps. Sitting on the grassy beautiful rooftop of one of the New York City sky-highs overlooking everything the eye can see into the distance in all directions from the financial district, to Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens, I am urged to look within. Primarily, there is a sense of accomplishment. Acknowledgement of the power of manifestation. This is a moment of great perspective. This is a very empowering moment, because I, like the rest of humanity, am able to look around at what I have manifested to be my reality and ponder: in which direction would I like to go now. What action will I take now? What is it that I really want to do? Life is happening all around us continuously, there is no need to attach to people, places, or things; it's quite liberating in actuality. What is it that you would like to do to change the course of the world?

"Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one, wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Rules for Being Human: Handed Down from Ancient Sanskrit.

"The Truth Shall Set You Free"

Embarking on this increasingly essential journey of self-mastery, has become the single most important and exhilarating challenge possible. There is a very famous quote which states "If you want to change the world, you must begin by changing yourself." The reason for this, is once you purify yourself, your vibrational frequency is elevated and basic laws of physics come in to play. It is much simpler to recognize and analyze areas with room for improvement in external forms, concepts, and ideologies than to go excavating through one's own darkest shadows. When one begins to dig deep into the jagged crevasses of one's mind, the real work is being done.

Tree of Wisdom: Caltech University in Pasadena
We are all connected, one organism vibrating together. The challenge has been, at some point in the evolution of humanity, we lost touch with the oneness; we lost awareness of the essence. The Now is of utmost relevance, yet somewhere we lost touch with now while becoming attached to and dependent on time, space, and form. Now however, humanity is beginning to regain consciousness. We are beginning to realize our oneness.

Begin by focusing on slowing down and deepening your breath. Feel your body and create stillness in your mind; become fully present. Now feel the essence radiating out of every life form around you. Trees, flowers, animals, insects, they all, like humans, embody the prana, the life force.

We are all mirrors of each other. The frequency one vibrates on will determine the frequency of the surrounding matter. Religion and science go hand in hand; they are simply different methods of analyzing the same phenomenon. There is no need to dwell in past or future, because the only thing there ever is, is Now. We have all been overwhelmed by the volume of poverty, illness, and corruption in the world, and therefor remain stuck in the judge and victim trap, which only perpetuates more of the disease. When one digs deep within, with unwavering passion for self-mastery, the need to focus on external challenges, and therefor the challenges themselves shall disappear.  When every single being becomes devoted to self-mastery is when the planet transcends to heaven on earth. 
Henry Richter (NASA) '52, Bailey, Mark Brown (Professor:

Every day we are faced with challenges. These are moments when we get to make a choice. It is one's choice whether this challenge will make or break them. These are opportunities to learn and grow; they can also be an opportunity to deepen ego and go deeper into the shell, further alienating oneself from one's surroundings, and inevitably, from source. The forces that support each of these paths are love and fear. Many people experience unjust instances in life and rather than learning and growing, they hold onto the pain, identify with it, and compile it into their pre existing story of how the universe is working against them. Naturally, by law of attraction, the same monster continues to show it's face, masked by an array of disguises, strengthening the "victim's" agreement. This fear-based mentality is learned; learned from our parents, teachers, peers, and media, and has become the unconscious dream of the planet. 

We, by nature, are pure beings whom are full of light. By learning from our experiences and releasing attachment to past and future, we break free. By being fully present in each and every moment, we create heaven on Earth. When in the Now, we return to feeling the oneness of the universe, and we begin to break down the walls and linking the gap between nations, cultures, religions, and people. By focussing deep within, we are effectively elevating human consciousness while evolving as one-people. Imagine the peace and joy within when we love and nourish ourselves rather than judging ourselves and feeling guilty. Apply that to the planet and what do you see? We are so close. When we surrender and accept all that is, we create paradise.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Three Methods of Yogic Breathing 

I find it extremely beneficial to do all 3 of these every day. They each serve their own purpose, and facilitate a clear mind for the day. They reduce stress, cleanse, as well as raising one's vibrational frequency. 

* concentrate on breath

1) Cleansing Breathing
- blow nose very well
- close right nostril w/ right index 
- breathe in quickly through left nostril
- close left nostril with thumb and remove pressure from right
- breathe quickly out right nostril
- repeat 12-50 times

2) Positive Breathing
- close left nostril with right index finger
- take deep breath through right nostril for 8 seconds/heartbeats
- hold for 6 seconds/heartbeats
- breathe out right nostril for 8 seconds/heartbeats
- repeat 5-15 times

3) Breathing to Calm the Mind
- take deep breath through both nostrils for 8 seconds/heartbeats
- hold for 4-6
- exhale out both for 8 sec/heartbeats
- repeat at least 15 times, more = more result 

* practice morning and night