
Friday, August 31, 2012

Living life to the fullest is a very essential theme in my life, which has been notably magnified in New York City. A world model that is large scale yet sustainable seems to be one that would be very accommodating, abundant, and beneficial. In order to implement such a model, we must first implement it in our own lives. We can all realize the infinite potential within ourselves and act on it. There is so much beauty and power in creating intentionally and viewing the universe through eyes of love. When we all love each other unconditionally regardless of our race, sex, social positions, and age, a metamorphosis is in action. Deep down there is gold in the essence of every thing on the planet; the frequency we vibrate on attracts more of the same. If we want change we absolutely have to start within, because that's where the real work is done which flowers into abundance and harmony. We all have our ways of grounding ourselves, whether it be smoking a cigarette, or doing yoga in the park; all human beings yearn for fulfillment on some plane higher than materialism. At the very least, we all want to love and be loved. Going on that alone, what else could we possibly do to make a change in the world before to going within and working through any disharmonies within. As soon as we love and accept ourselves fully, it is inevitable that we will love and accept others fully. We are all one. The exciting part about this that it is literally as simple as acting out of kindness and compassion. What helps me work on this within myself is either to relate to the person as a family member or someone very close to me, or to envision them while they are upset, as a little boy or little girl not being accepted. What I have learned over my life is that while we all are faced with challenges in life, some people identify with lack, while others identify with abundance.  One who chooses to identify with lack attaches pain to challenges in life or situations that one has been exposed to. This has resulted in people taking things personally and creating this illusion of inadequacy which in turn results in people attaching to poisonous emotion. Essentially, a majority of the time when someone is upset, they are bringing up old poison, not being present. What we can do to elevate the consciousness of those situations is to overpower the poison with presence. When we choose to be fully present in each moment and accept the gold essence within each being, we are exposed to an ever accessible and manifestable paradise on earth. Living big means, to me, being fully present, taking every opportunity, seeing and acting upon infinite possibility, nourishing my body, mind, and soul,  being nomadic while learning from and teaching beautiful people all over the world, and being the change I wish to see. It is amazing to feel my relationship change with the flow of the universe once approaching it with such pure intention.

One love

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